Mission, Vision and Objectives


Our Vision

To be internationally recognised for the quality and effectiveness of our services in the fight against poverty


Support vulnerable communities that are seeking development and progress through integral services in health, education and community development that are planned and executed by a multidisciplinary team.

General Objective

To improve the quality of life in vulnerable communities through an integral approach implemented by a qualified multidisciplinary team ensuring the active participation of the community and respect for their culture and beliefs.

Specific Objectives 

 Improve the economic situation both on an individual and family level

 Maximise the learning and biopsicosocial development that is adequate for the age of each individual person

 Strengthen the community inclusion, integration, protection and sense of belonging

 Reduce the incidence and prevalence of serious and common illnesses

 Reduce the incidence and prevalence of physical, sexual and emotional abuse

 Maximise the skills to confront favourably situations and problems

 Have constant and sustainable financing for the operations of the organisation

 Use resources efficiently and effectively

 Have a constant, committed, trained and motivated team

 Comply with all local and international laws and regulations for the operations of the organisation