No child should be left behind!

Educational Psychology Clinic
Donation Goal For This Project is $14,400
59% Donated/$5,900 To Go
Donate Now

Prevent a child in our community from falling behind, repeating a school year or dropping out! Our educational psychology clinic works with students that present learning difficulties.

At our schools at least 25% of children per class require some form of educational support. Many children in our community fall behind in their development and learning due to a number of reasons such as lack of early stimulation, learning difficulties or health and family issues. Our team of educators and educational psychologists work hard to get these children back on track and prevent them from repeating a school year or falling so far behind that they drop out without acquiring the ability to read.

Your donation will go towards the salaries of our psychologists, psychological tests, dynamic materials and stimulating games used to work with our children and youth. As an example, a donation of $6 allows to cover the costs of a tutoring class for 15 children. Dynamic materials and games used in these classes cost approximately $30.